You have the power. Power is energy and wisdom. You can access it at will. Find the secrets of the ages revealed in ways that bring us to new enlightenment in the 21st Century.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It has been nearly a year since I posted here. I abandoned it after I ended my radio show. But I am shouting at the top of my lungs now.

This is the year of my second Saturn return, and it is fabulous! Since the end of March (the mid way point), I have been brooking a major paradigm shift -- or maybe simply a stellar acceleration into my current paradigm.

Stay tuned, and hold on to your seat! Prepare for a magnificent ride!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amazing! My Life Since EquiSync - Part Deux

It's been nearly 8 weeks since I posted. Life has definitely been in the fast lane for those weeks -- mostly in the cerebral realms!

Yes, we've moved -- we're trying out Show Low for the summer. Even considering staying for the year. I can't imagine, though, what mountain winter is like after 16 years in California and Arizona.

And, of course, I've spent those 16 years reluctantly giving away all my mountain clothes. ><

But on the subject of "my life since EquiSync," I can barely keep up with what's going on.

No lie. It has drastically decreased my usual irritability, and it significantly lowers my blood pressure.

But the beauty of it goes far beyond that. I am experiencing a serious increase in creativity, motivation, peace, and best yet, the Law of Attraction at work.

I have been using the Law of Attraction for several years now, and it works well for me, but the meditation has really ramped it up.

And now, for the first time, I understand a concept in a way I have never understood it before: why meditation works; no, I mean why it REALLY works.

And I found that information in a very unexpected place.

I knew it worked, but I hadn't gotten it to work for me. Then I read and heard enough that I knew I would "grow" no further until I was able to meditate.

Believe me, I'm not attributing everything to the EquiSync. EquiSync was what worked to get me into the silence. I will be glad when my brain is trained and I no longer have to rely on the recordings, when I can get into the space by myself.

I have long heard the importance of meditation to assist one to "live in the now." But I really only had a vague idea of what that meant. Until I experienced it. But the experience was inarticulable for me (is that a word?) until I read something.

The last time I was in the library, I was led to pick up a Carlos Castaneda book. Now, I've had the opportunity to read Castaneda for years, but was never interested. I had A Yaqui Way of Knowledge on my own bookshelf for years and never even opened it. You see, I was stupidly swayed by the opinions of academics who went out of their way to try to discredit his work. All I can say is, they completely miss the point.

Anyway, I picked up Tales of Power because I have been extremely interested in storytelling as magic for the last couple of years. (Yeah, so interested that I have several books about it on my bookshelf -- that I've never read.) But I had found my own magical power(s) through storytelling, and I do mean to read what others have to say about it.

ANYway, I was absolutely blown away by the concepts in Tales of Power. It is so pithy in a psychological, philosophical, and practical way that I can only read a few pages, then I have to stop to digest and visualize what I have read. I have found it amazing, to say the least. More proof to me that the ancients took as given the things that our society is just now beginning to understand/explain through quantum concepts.

But most of all, I loved the concept Castaneda put forth about man's inner monologue -- I'm sure many philosophers have said the same thing, but most philosophy books are intellectually inaccessible to me. Most of what I know about philosophy, I've either intuited myself or had it distilled for me by someone else. (An interesting insight into that particular phenomenon is had by watching the movie "Leaves of Grass."

According to Castaneda, our monologue that is so difficult to quash, is our moment by moment processing and perception of the world. The problem is that it's always in the PAST! Maybe only by a millisecond or so, but still in the past. We are just iterating what we just perceived. Combining what Ekhart Tolle says with what Castaneda says, it must be the ego that does the narrating because it's the toughest bugger to kill that I have ever encountered. It fights!

Having that realization also led me to understand that when someone is talking about the Warrior, he or she is talking about one engaged in the battle to quell the Ego.

So, the upshot of all this is that it is imperative to stop that internal monologue long enough to experience the NOW. Before Castaneda, I understood that everyone said it was important, but not having experienced it, I didn't truly understand it. The NOW is the only way to be a Shaman, to walk between the worlds. To truly understand other dimensions and spirits. I have worked with spirits since before I was an adult. But I see now that it was always past perception rather than a knowing in the NOW. Only in the NOW can I progress.

Monday, April 4, 2011

My life since EquiSync

My son always asks me if I get paid to advertise the products that I so vigorously tout. Hardly! But when I find a product that is so extraordinary that it literally revolutionizes my life, I must share it!

I've heard for years how important it is to meditate, and I finally recognized that I was not going to have much more progress in either my emotional or spiritual life until I could.

I won't go into detail about my lifelong problems with meditation, but if you feel like it's impossible to sit still or comfortably or to quiet your mind for any length of time, you owe it to yourself to try EquiSync's amazing binaural technology.

At first I attributed everything that was happening to EquiSync, but then I realized that what actually happened is that the spiritual practice I've maintained, some of it for a lifetime, and some for the last 10 years, was so ramped up, given such an acceleration by the EquiSync technology.

I was thrilled when I started feeling the brain shifting going on during my very first session. I was relieved and encouraged when I was able to truly get into meditative space. But I was ecstatic when after just three weeks, I had my first glimpse of/experience of Samadhi.

It was then that the things I believed existed became objective reality to me, and even some I had stopped believing in. All Truth, All Light, All Bliss. The veil was rent, duality dissolved, and I Understood.

But it wasn't just light and bliss for me alone. How do I distinguish it? How do I articulate it? 

That is for the next entry.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

New tools

Hello, World! Time to get back on track, aided by my new tool sets. Wow! Things are really moving forward.

Alzheimer's and dementia run in my family. My maternal grandfather died in an institution at 59. When my blood pressure reached a stasis of 145/95, my doctor told me it was a recipe for dementia. Three months ago, my aunt (my mother's sister) was diagnosed with dementia -- after a many year struggle with high blood pressure.

I am on blood pressure medication, but the medication really only keeps me from having a stroke (for which I'm very grateful), but it does not bring my BP within normal range. I had been researching and trying various things to lower my numbers, all to little avail. So when my aunt was diagnosed, and my average blood pressure was running at 161/104, I decided I needed to ramp up my research, quickly.

Who knew? Apparently not the doctors. I discovered that my blood pressure is due to my shallow breathing. I had long since discovered that it had nothing to do with stress, or drinking caffeine, or any number of other things that are usually touted as causing hypertension.

I blame it on my Scandinavian heritage. (My maternal grandfather was the first generation of my Swedish ancestors to have been born in the US.) I have to laugh -- a friend posted a link on FaceBook yesterday of a map of average breast cup size in the world. No, really! Scandinavians are 5's all the way (on a scale of 1 - 5)!

Perhaps I shouldn't blame it on the Scandinavians; rather blame it on the prudish yet fashion obsessed Americans who are scandalized if you're not holding those boulders under wraps. At my size, that involves a band so tight it restricts my breathing! Seriously! I always knew bras were hellishly uncomfortable, no matter what type I wore, but I really started to understand it when I started my new regimen of meditation and Chi Gung breathing and discovered I couldn't do it if I was wearing a bra!

I actually made the discovery about the breathing from watching a short video about a machine that aids in breathing. People were lowering their blood pressure by using it just 20 minutes twice a day. I couldn't immediately lay my hands on the $300 for the machine, so I researched further. I found that it was really just a device to help the person focus on their breathing with music and would help them to regulate their breathing.

I already knew how to breathe from Chi Gung exercises I was doing about 10 years ago. I knew it helped me to lose 10 pounds, but since I wasn't aware of my HTN at the time, I wasn't monitoring that. So I tried just lying in bed and breathing for 20 minutes, but I quickly found myself dreading it -- even though I knew it was lifesaving, but it was so difficult to keep focused.

Then I remembered the EquiSync products I had found online. A series of meditational aids using binaural beat technology. I had never been able to focus and meditate, to really get "into the silence," and I began to think that may partly have been from my breathing as well. Buying EquiSync's entire suite of CD's was less than $100, and far more affordable than the breathing aid. Plus, it would be multi-purpose -- not only might it lower my BP, but it could perhaps help me to meditate which I knew was absolutely necessary to stimulate my spiritual, emotional, and psychological growth.

Next up: My life since EquiSync

Saturday, January 29, 2011

MindCast 1-28-11

Morgana & Tish talk about TAWN, Spring Festival, their paths, and the Crone.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Elektra Experiment - What I learned

The show was really fun Friday night, doing the Elektra Experiment. After my initial contact with Elektra, I wrote a couple of blog entries (see below) about her. My continued contact with her helps to focus my mind.

When the Baron asked two Fridays ago how to "know a charlatan" when seeking psychic or alternative healing, it caused me to conceive the idea of The Elektra Experiment. Since my connection with Elektra helps me so much to clarify my own issues, I decided to bring her on board, so to speak, for the MindCast to see if she could/would enhance my psychic abilities to answer questions for people.

I don't claim to be "a" psychic. I have had psychic experiences, perhaps with more frequency than the average person. I've done Rune readings and Tarot readings for people, but it's quite different to have a symbol set from which to glean information than to just peer into the "collective unconscious" to glean information. But I was just absolutely curious to see what would come of it since I experience so much clarity when tapping into Elektra's energies.

I had Kelly from The Blue-Eyed Witch, where Elektra resides, choose a tiny crystal skull for me. Elektra herself has spent time with an ancient Brazilian Citrine Skull from which she gleaned its energies. Then Kelly took the tiny crystal skull (which I named Elektrisa) which had already been exposed to Elektra's energies, and put them together for around 24 hours, in the healing atmosphere of the store, and then she took them home and exposed them to the light of the full moon over night. I then picked up Elektrisa and brought her with me to the studio. I found her a little amber glass heart to sit on. I wanted something either neutral or conductive, and the glass heart would be neutral.

I centered myself and connected with her and Elektra's energies. Then I invited call ins from the audience. Bunny called first asking, "Am I on the right path?"

Truth be told, I have been critical of psychics whom I have listened to or observed, who I felt were giving very vague or generic answers. But I learned that that is absolutely not for me to judge (which should have been self-evident, but...). I have had experiences where I gave specific information and knew that I was right on when I said it. I have had experiences where I gave specific information and had no gut feeling one way or the other whether what I was saying was correct, but had it confirmed after the fact that I was, indeed, correct. But when I answered Bunny's question, the answer just flowed out, but it seemed very generic to me, and I had no sense whatsoever of whether what I was saying was helpful or not. However, I had contact with Bunny after the show and she told me that the response was spot on and just what she needed to hear to give her the confidence to proceed.

Then there was Thelma who called to ask the whereabouts of the four-carat white diamond she had lost. Now, I will tell you that I was hesitant to attempt to answer this question, but since I hadn't really ruled out that type of question beforehand, I felt obliged to try. I had limited it to questions that would "clarify" a specific situation going on in one's life at the moment, and technically, Thelma's question did not fall outside those parameters. So, I connected and asked, and just got one specific picture in my mind of a room with a bronze carpet and two silvery recliners in front of some light, similar-colored drapes. At first I thought the item was underneath the drapes, but then I got a more specific picture of an air vent beneath the drapes and thought it was either around that or inside it. Thelma said there was nothing like that in her house, but I remembered afterwards that she had asked either where it was in her house or was it there at all. Since the place I described was not in her house, the Baron suggested that it was perhaps lost elsewhere, which might have also been a possibility in Thelma's mind. The Baron suggested that what she was seeking was actually a "remote viewing" in which I could "see" where the diamond was. I guess that's what I attempted to do. Now, it would be easy to say that that's not the kind of wisdom that Elektra dispenses, but since I had never had occasion to try that out on my own with Elektra before, I could not really say one way or the other. For me, I connect with her energies to clarify a situation so that I can make a decision on it. But I cannot say whether or not she does the other, nor will I know (unless Thelma tells me) whether or not I was correct in what I saw. So that was still an interesting part of the experiment.

Would I do it again? Absolutely! Would I do anything different? Probably. I might isolate myself from outside distractions better by using a different studio where I was not in direct contact with another person and the energies less encumbered by so many electronic devices. I might limit the questions better. As I gain more experience and have more success, as my confidence builds, it might be worthwhile.

Should I? Will I? Well I'm an information gatherer. I will seek the opinions of those who heard the MindCast, of others who use crystal skulls, of Kelly, who is Elektra's keeper. Feel free to weigh in with your own observations or thoughts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

MindCast 1-21-11

The Elektra Experiment - Julian uses a crystal skull to enhance her psychic abilities and answers questions from the audience.